Fare word from Principal

Dear Parents
“Every Child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged with man.”
We at Good Shepherd believe that in every child there is a manifestation of God and we blend these Godly qualities with the skills required for the 21st century.

At Good Shepherd Model School we Strive

  • To develop and imbibe the skills required for the 21st Century like Leadership, Teamwork, Global Consciousness, Communication and Technical skills.
  • To resolve issues such as: Memorized facts for tests, Too much of textbooks, Superficial knowledge.
  • To make learning more practical, to think differently, work differently and be more productive.
  • To achieve adaptive expertise (balance between efficiency and innovation).
  • To adapt to new situations rather than only apply what they have already learned.
  • To instill creativity that is both novel and appropriate by taking into account the goal and standards set by educational community.
  • To be learner centred by evaluating learner’s knowledge and skills and adapting instructions to promote greater learning.

Parents and teachers have to work together as partners in the process of learning. We promise you a safe, supportive and enriching experience at Good Shepherd Model School.